Thursday, September 6, 2012

This is going well so far...


This one was really good.

3 tbsp olive oil
1/2 a white onion
2 cloves garlic
1 large eggplant (cubed)
1 cup chicken broth
4 relatively small tomatoes
2 tbsp or 500387465 shakes of Italian Spices
4 eggs
sliced provolone cheese
angel hair pasta, as much as you want. or any other kind of pasta. or no pasta.

I realized today that almost every meal I've ever cooked has started with onions and garlic sauteed in olive oil...

Sautee the onions and garlic, add the eggplant WITH chicken broth this time. No burnt onions today.

I let it simmer for a while whilst I took my sweet time chopping and adding tomatoes. 

Tonight I added a ton of Italian spices. With some extra basil and oregano, because that's what I found in the cabinet. 

When I looked at the finished product I thought it looked exactly like the previous night's curried eggplant dish. I had to do something else. So I rummaged.

I finally decided that I would add EGGS. I fuckin' love eggs. So I cracked 4 into the big ol' pan, put on the lid, and turned the heat up a bit.

Fixed up the noodles while the eggs cooked, then noticed that I have some over ripe bananas. So I threw those in too. JUST KIDDING. I put them in the freezer to use at a later date.

Once the eggs were cooked I stirred them into the eggplant sauce stuff and everything turned cloudy with little bits of egg white everywhere. It looked questionable. 

I made myself a dish with noodles. I put two slices of provolone on top of the noodles and let them melt a bit before I added the eggplant sauce.

 This is what it looked like:

And it was damn tasty.

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